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  Mr. Jiang Zemin and other Chinese party and state leaders present at the concert commemorating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia(USSR), co-sponsored by CAIFC and China-Russia Friendship, Peace and Development Committee

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理事工作部:82002375 总机转8023 和平与发展研究中心: 82002580 总机转8060

《和平与发展》编辑部:82005566 总机转8066 网址:http://www.caifc.org.cn 电子邮箱:caifc@caifc.org.cn

艺委会(友联画院)通信地址: 北京朝阳区德外大街华严北里甲1号健翔山庄D5楼 电话:62366878
