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China Association for International Friendly Contact (CAIFC) Attended the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations and Held Themed Salon


In order to implement President Xi Jinping's important initiative on convening the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations and to promote exchanges, mutual learning and common progress among civilizations in Asia and other countries in the world, from May 14 to 17,  CAIFC invited six famous persons in cultural and religious circles from five countries such as Russia, India, Japan, Korea and Israel to attend the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations in Beijing, and held themed salon within the frame of the Asian Civilization Week.

CHEN Yuan, Vice Chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, President of China Association for International Friendly Contact met with the invited foreign guests and scholars in advance and explained the significance of President Xi's initiative to convene the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations and the purpose & theme of this Salon, which received positive responses. Foreign parties highly appraised President Xi's view of world civilizations and his initiative to hold the conference, which pointed out the direction for finding ways to solve the problems faced by the human society nowadays, and set up a large platform for Asian countries to learn from each other, build cultural confidence, promote cooperation and mutual trust, and discuss the new future of Asia. It is of great and far-reaching significance to consolidate the consensus of common development in Asia and to promote the construction of the community with a shared future for both Asia and humanityas a whole. They unanimously expressed their willingness to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the CAIFC, so as to play an active role in promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations and promoting the co-construction of a community of shared future.


President CHEN Yuan met with foreign guests and scholars invited


Group Photo of Meeting Participators

On the day of the Conference, foreign guests and scholars were organized to attend the opening ceremony, listen to the President's keynote speech, and participate in the Parallel Sub-forum on Running State and Managing Government Affairs of Asian countries and the Asian Culture Carnival sponsored by Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, and they were deeply touched and educated. The conference highly appraised President Xi's keynote speech, clarified the position, role, far-reaching influence and important contribution of Asian civilizations to world civilizations, and reflected the common expectation of the people of all Asian countries for building a better future in Asia. The advocated "Four Persistences" concept of world civilizations contributed unique Chinese wisdom to the promotion of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations and the co-construction of the Asian community of shared future, and also provided useful inspiration to Asian countries for promoting the Running State and Managing Government Affairs and realizing prosperity and development. The "cultural feast" of the Asian CultureCarnival showed the diverse, mutually respectful and appreciative spirit of Asian civilizations, as well as the theme and main tone of the future of Asian civilizations.

On the following day, the Themed Salon was held in Beijing International Convention Center throughout the day. The Salon focuses on the main spirit of the Conference on the exchange and mutual learning of Asian civilizations and the community of shared future, takes "Dialogue on the Better Asia--Confident Asian Civilizations and Confident Asian Future" as the theme, and has three topics as "The Asian Family & Sharing Asian Civilizations and Wisdoms", "Diversity and Coexistence of Asian Civilizations & Asian Community with a Shared Destiny" and "A Better Future for Asia & Jointly Building Community with the Shared Future for Humanity". The main purpose is to enhance confidence in Asian civilizations and the future of Asia, build bridges between civilizations and people's hearts, strengthen the social foundation of friendship between China and foreign countries, promote the exchange of Asian civilizations and build a community with a shared future for both Asia and humanityas a wholethrough friendly international non-governmental exchanges.

President CHEN Yuan attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech entitled Sharing a Common Destiny, Mutual Learning and Mutual Trust--Jointly Building a United, Cooperated, Shared and Secured "Better Asia". The speech explained the great significance of the Chinese government's holding of the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations and the purpose &theme of the Themed Salon held by CAIFC and proposed the four principled proposals for building a "Better Asia", which were highly praised and unanimously recognized by scholars both at home and abroad.

Xin Qi, vice president of CAIFC, presided over the opening ceremony and made a summary. YE Xiaowen, Member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Deputy Director of the Cultural and Cultural History and Learning Committee, LI Shaoxian, Dean of School of Arabic Studies of Ningxia University and YANG Ping, President of the Beijing Cultural Review Press presided over the discussion on three topics respectively. Over 20 Chinese and foreign guests and scholars participated in the exchange.

At the opening ceremony, YE Xiaowen and Ash Narain Roy, Director of the Institute of Social Sciences in New Delhi delivered speeches on behalf of Chinese and foreign scholars respectively. During the discussion and dialogue, Sergey SANAKOEV, Vice Chairman of the Russian-China Friendship Association, Myocho Hayashima, Grand Master of Nihon Dokan , Lee Changho, Issuer of Korea China Union News, Shalom Salomon Wald, Distinguished Fellow of Sino-Israel Global Network &Academic Leadership and LI Zhongjie, Former Deputy Director of the Party Literature Research Center of CPC Central Committee , ZHUO Xinping, Former Director of Institute of World Religion, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,YIN Shun, Vice President of The Buddhist Association of China, GAO Shuqun,  Director of China Association for International Friendly Contact, Visiting Professor of the Advanced Institute of Confucian Studies at Shandong University, FU Youde, Director of Center For Judaic and Inter-Religious Studies of Shandong University, MA Guoxiang, Member of the Thirteenth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Member of the Standing Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association, WU Dahui, Director of China Association for International Friendly Contact, Director of Eurasian Research Center in Tsinghua University, ZHANG Yinjun,  Standing Director of the Council of the Nishan Forum on World Civilizations, Deputy Director of the Central Committee for Women and Children of China Association for Promoting Democracy (CAPD) delivered speeches separately and interacted with each other. Totally 18 papers have been published and 39 speakers have delivered speeches at the Salon. Participators have reached broad consensus on thematic issues.

ZHAO Jun, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Association for International Friendly Contact and SHI Jing, Deputy Director of Center for Peace and Development Studies, etc. participated in the event. The Salon was covered by People's Daily (HWW).


President CHEN Yuan delivered a keynote speech


Vice President Xin Qi presided over the Salon and made a summary


Group Photo of the Salon Participators


Panoramic View of Salon Venue


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