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Senior Adviser Xu Jialu of CAIFC Met with the Delegation of American Jewish Committee in Shanghai

On May 23rd 2011, Xu Jialu, the former vice chairman of Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and senior adviser of the China Association for International Friendly Contact (CAIFC), met with the Delegation of American Jewish Committee of total 9 persons led by Robert?Elman in Shanghai. Xu Jialu made a profound and incisive elaboration on the common characteristic of Chinese and Jewish civilizations and the historical contacts between the two nations. Elman on behalf of the American Jewish Committee appreciated the acceptance and reception that Shanghai People offered to the Jewish refugee during World War II. Both sides emphasized that the contacts between Chinese and American non-government institutions and people are very important in maintaining the friendship between the two nations and people, and promoting the mutual understanding. The meeting proceeded in a warm and friendly atmosphere from start to finish. Vice Chairman Lu Dilong of Shanghai Association for International Friendly Contact(SAIFC)and other persons were accompanying Xu Jialu in the meeting.


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