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Shangdong Bearing Shangguan Chaoying Arts Exhibition is Held in Beijing


Shangdong Bearing Shangguan Chaoying Arts Exhibition, held jointly by the Painting Academy for Friendly Contact (PAFC), Shandong Literary Federation, Shandong Arts Association and Caozhou Painting and Calligraphy Academy, was grandly open in China National Academy of Painting (CNAP) on the morning of June, 25th. Over 200 people include the leaders of arts, famous painters and lovers of arts participated in the opening ceremony. Vice chairman of the China Artists Association Huang Gesheng, curator of National Museum of China Lv Zhangshen, chairman of the CNAP Yang Xiaoyang, previous chairman of People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts Lu Wenhu, executive vice chairman of the PAFC Li Ronghai and vice chairman Cao Quanxin attended the opening ceremony and cut the ribbons. On this exhibition, a total of 148 precious works were shown, the largest of which was 32 square meters and the smallest of which was 12 square centimeters.

Academic seminar of Shangguan Chaoying Arts Exhibition was held in the afternoon, on which the present experts highly appreciated the exploration and creation of Shangguan Chaoying in flower-and-bird painting. They thought that Shangguan Chaoying’s works were unconstrained in style and supreme in realm and characterized by times and personalities as well as inherited the spirit of traditional Chinese freehand brushwork painting. Shangdong Bearing Shangguan Chaoying Arts Exhibition was the continuation and development of the spirit of traditional Chinese freehand brushwork painting and inspired the development of contemporary Chinese flower-and-bird paintings.

Shangguan Chaoying is the vice chairman of Shandong Arts Association, director of the China Association for International Friendly Contact (CAIFC) and painter of the PAFC.






Related links:


New China Nets http://www.bj.xinhuanet.com/bjpd_sdzx/2010-06/28/content_20185484.htm


Zhouke Arts Net:


Exhibition Video:

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