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PAFC Delegation Visits Mongolia


Upon the invitation of Mongolian Culture, Sport and Tourism Ministry, Liu Dawei, vice chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, chairman of the Painting Academy for Friendly Contact and director of Arts Committee of the China Painting Academy for Friendly Contact (PAFC), led a delegation of the PAFC to pay a friendly visit to Mongolia from August 6th to 16th and held the “Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition” in the capital Ulaanbaatar.

During their visit in Mongolia, the delegation went to Khuvsgul and Bulgan for sketching. They lived in Mongolian yurts and were admitted into the houses of nomads where they fully experienced the prairie customs and created a number of works of art.

Commissioned by President Elbegdorj, Oyungerel, minister of Mongolian Culture, Sport and Tourism Ministry, attended the opening ceremony of the art exhibition and delivered a speech. Doug Tor Harbou A, deputy chief of the Office of the President, and Baya Seck Han, a MP in State Great Khural, met with the delegation at the State Guest House, and Che G Meade, chairman of the National Association of collectors, accompanied the delegation during their stay in Mongolia.

The Mongolian host expressed their hope to cooperate with the PAFC and suggested that regular chances can be provided for Chinese and Mongolian artists to exchange and visit each other. They indicated that both sides should make joint efforts to promote cultural exchanges between the two countries to a new level and to constantly enhance understanding and friendship between the two peoples.

Distinguished painters of the PAFC Wang Menghu, Xiao Han, Cheng Zhenguo, Zhang Fuxing, Zhou Rongsheng, Qi Haifeng, Zhang Junde, Liu Jiang and Hu Hefu were members of the visiting delegation.

CPAFC hosting the “Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition” in Ulaanbaatar

Delegation leader Liu Dawei communicating with Oyungerel, minister of Mongolian Culture, Sport and Tourism Ministry, at the exhibition

The deputy chief of the Office of the President and the member of Parliament of Mongolia meeting with the delegation

The artists sketching on the prairie


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